Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ella as a rock star (as she likes to call herself) really it's a 50's girl. Nolan as a cowboy and Claire is a little pumpkin. We have had so many parties this weekend, and they have gotten so much candy, can't wait for the Halloween witch to come tomorrow and take it all!!!!

Being a cowboy fits him so well

Such a serious little girl....just like her brother

Ella being the little mommy!

She is starting to smile all the time now, it's so cute!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Took the kids today to the pumpkin patch and the park with some friends.

All of our kids except for Claire



Took the kids to the hill behind our house after church on Sunday, it was nice to see all the Fall colors!

Ella and Nolan marking what they want for Christmas, can't believe it's that time already!

Claire being too cute not to take a picture!

Claire 4 Weeks