Sunday, August 1, 2010


This weekend we went to family camp at Camp Perkins. It was so much fun, and so beutiful!

Jonathan and the kids ridding a big tricycle


After campfire at 9pm you are able to do the Grizzly Bear. They have to jump in the frezzing cold water and stay there for one minute.


Ella at campfire

Nolan and Laine Singing

Ella, Paige, Taylynn, Laine, Nolan and Zach


The kids got to climb the climbing wall

Nolan got a little ways and then got scared

Ella did great, got almost to the top!

In a race with Daddy


Nolan and his buddy Laine

Nolan all set and ready to swim!

Swim Lessons

Nolan just chilling

Ella swimming

JUMP Nolan!

Nolan Swimming