Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Sarah, Hannah, Claire and Ella

Hannah and Claire

Scott and Nolan

Claire not too sure of her new toys...

Claire sitting on her present with help of big sister :)

It was a ruff morning for her

Ella and Nolan


Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas 2010

The kids with Santa

Claire 3 1/2 months

Ella, Nolan and Claire with Santa at our MOMS Club Christmas party.

Ella told Santa that she wanted a Kindle and chapter books

Nolan told Santa he wanted a DS, I told Nolan that Santa has to check with his mommy and daddy before he gets them anything ;)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Visiting Aunts and Grandparents

Nolan showing Aunt Joyce and Claire his sword

Claire and Aunt Faye

Claire meeting Grandma Cover for the first time

Meeting Grandpa Cover

Ella and Claire

Grandma and Claire

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Cover

Nolan looking at Grandpa's rocks

Grandpa playing peek a boo with Claire

Claire with Grammy

Ella and Nolan

Jonathan with his Grandpa

Thanksgiving in CA

Nolan and Daddy

Ella and Grandma

Claire and Papa

Caleb carving the turkey


Claire with her Papa

Ella and Claire with their uncle Caleb

Sarah getting ready to eat the pie...

The kids cousin Mila, hoping to get some dinner too!

Claire 11 weeks

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ella as a rock star (as she likes to call herself) really it's a 50's girl. Nolan as a cowboy and Claire is a little pumpkin. We have had so many parties this weekend, and they have gotten so much candy, can't wait for the Halloween witch to come tomorrow and take it all!!!!

Being a cowboy fits him so well

Such a serious little girl....just like her brother

Ella being the little mommy!

She is starting to smile all the time now, it's so cute!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Took the kids today to the pumpkin patch and the park with some friends.

All of our kids except for Claire
