Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Presenting Ella as the Little Mermaid and Nolan as a Pirate!

Fall Pictures

Some pictures of the kids at their schools harvest party, and then some of when we went to the college, they had a blast playing in the leaves!

Nolan's 1st bus ride!

Nolan's class went to a pumpkin patch, he was more excited to ride the bus, then picking out a pumpkin!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

Took the kids to the pumpkin patch today with some friends, they had a blast picking out their pumpkins, but had a hard time when I told that we had to wait to carve them :(

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October Fest

These are pictures from the October Fest they hold each year in downtown Twin Falls, Ella danced, and the kids got to ride a few rides. Can't believe it's already been three years since we moved to Idaho, some of the first pictures we took here were at the October fest three years ago.


Nolan wanted us to take a picture of his cat giving his dinosaur a hug :O

Nana & Papa's Visit

My Dad and Lara came to visit last month, we had fun although wished they could have stayed longer :(

The Emery's visit

My friend Natalie and her kids came to visit, this is a picture of the kids at Shoshone Falls.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kids first day of school 2009

I can't believe that Ella is already is 1st grade and Nolan is now in Pre-K.......I don't know where the time has gone!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swim Lessons

Slowly they are getting better, it was drama at first, neither of them wanted water in the face, kind of hard at swim lessons. It was a huge deal for Nolan to go off the diving board!

Kids at tennis lessons

Ella's tee ball game

Ella waiting for a ball to come her way......